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About Us

Zarzuela is an essential part of the common heritage of Spanish and Latin American peoples. It flourished on both sides of the Atlantic. Zarzuela became very popular in the Americas, as Spanish companies would travel and present productions in Havana, Ciudad de Mexico, Cartagena, or Caracas. It was not long before the criollos took to it and started writing nationalistic works. 

Today the venerable Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid, Spain, carries out the tradition “en grande” (in the grand style). And wherever there is a  Spanish or Latin American community,  zarzuela is bound to flourish in one way or another. Whether with ample or limited resources, grand and smaller companies and organizations pay homage to zarzuela with full productions or recitals. La Zarzuela Inc. celebrates and applauds those efforts. 


La Zarzuela, Inc. is an organization devoted to preserving and updating the art of the zarzuela through performance, education, and research. Our offices are in Miami, the epicenter of the Americas. 

Zarzuela is the Spanish language lyric theater genre that originated in Spain, flourishing there in the XIX century and the early part of the XX century and extending to Latin America. 
The taste for zarzuela, the beloved and accessible equivalent of the Singspiel and the operetta in Spain, has remained a favorite genre of the Spanish American population of South Florida. 

La Zarzuela, Inc. is committed to the preservation and development of the art of zarzuela.



La Zarzuela team is composed by Musical Director Eduardo Calcaño, Artistic Director Jorge Arcila, Marketing and Social Media Director Julio Rodríguez,  and Executive Director Daniel Daroca. The Board president is Ricardo Cervantes. Other members include Karen Mendoza, Carlos Jimeno, and Sonia Barrionuevo.
Together with a team of passionate performers and lovers of zarzuela, they work to elevate the genre to the pre-eminent position generally accorded opera. A committed body of volunteers and collaborators supports and furthers their artistic endeavors.

La Zarzuela, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 Florida nonprofit organization.

Our Directors:
Ricardo Cervantes

Artistic Director


Executive Director


Marketing Director


Board President


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